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  1. 這種汽車便宜英文翻譯: this kind of car is inexpensiv…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋這種汽車便宜英文發音英文單字怎麽用英語翻譯這種汽車便宜這種汽車便宜的英語例句用法和解釋

  2. 10 will cover our petrol for the journey . 10英鎊就足夠支付我們旅行的 汽油費 。 You drive around looking for the cheapest petrol. 你為了最便宜的 汽油費 不息開著車子到處找. Pay for some tv ads down at the car lot. 付電視費, 汽油費. Take charge of company vehicle ' s gasoline fee and toll fee statistic.

  3. it is by no means cheap. 便宜沒好貨。 cheapest is the dearest. 這種汽車便宜。 this kind of car is inexpensive.2. (不應得的利益) small advantages; petty gain 貪小便宜 out for small advantages; on the fiddle: 貪小便宜的假愛情 cupboard love3. (對 ...從輕處理) let sb. off lightly 這次便宜了他。 this time we have let him off lightly.

  4. "汽油車輛" 英文翻譯: gasoline vehicle; gasoline(-fuelled) vehicle "汽油加油車" 英文翻譯: gasoline bowser; gasoline dispenser; petrol truck; refueller "運汽油車" 英文翻譯: gasoline tank truck "高污染汽油車輛" 英文翻譯: high polluting petrol fuelled vehicle

  5. 漢語. 查查在線詞典提供權威的免費在線翻譯在線詞典全文翻譯詞匯翻譯服務。 有海量在線例句用法,真人發音,相關詞匯查詢,自動拼寫糾錯,近義詞反義詞查詢等功能。

  6. 1. (生意) buying and selling; business; deal; transaction. 短語和例子. 做成一筆買賣 make a deal; 買賣興隆。. the business is brisk. 快到夏天的時候, 買賣又景氣起來。. business began to pick up towards summer. 他做羊毛買賣。. he's in the wool business.

  7. 汽車維修手冊可以告訴你怎么修復你的車子。Typical composition of the auto exhausts is given in table iv-6 . 汽車尾氣的典型成分示于表-6中。Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber . 關掉了汽車工業你也就關掉了鋼鐵工業和橡膠工業。Jerry'sauto

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