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  1. 便宜汽車 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過



  1. Now, China's BYD has overtaken Tesla as the world's largest seller of electric vehicles. 現在,中國的比亞迪已經超越特斯拉,成為全球最大的電動汽車銷售商。. Even if you've never heard of BYD, there's a chance you've been in one of its buses. 即使你從未聽說過比亞迪,也有可能乘坐過它的巴士 ...

  2. Here's how cars got so pricey. 以下是車子售價飆漲的原因。 Henry Ford sold the Model T for $825 in 1908. 1908 年的時候, Henry Ford 的福特 T 型車要價 825 塊。 When Ford improved their assembly line, the cost went down to $300. 當福特的生產線進步之後,價錢降到了 300 元美金。 When adjusted for inflation, I'm gonna be saying that term a lot. 而把通貨膨脹率納入考量, 我今天會很常講到「通貨膨脹」這個詞。

  3. 一位來自洛杉磯的汽車業務靈機一動. Well, he was cruising around downtown Los Angeles, my hometown, 他當時在洛杉磯,也就是我的家鄉,的市區徘徊. and he saw trolleys with long lines of people. 看到電車的乘客大排長龍. trying to get to where they wanted to go. 等著要被載到目的地. He said, well, why don't I just put a sign on my car. 他想我何不在我的車上放個告示.

  4. 美國政府制定規則要求汽車製造商開始生產更省油的汽車以減少我們對全球石油市場的依賴

  5. Watch on. 影片播放. As self driving cars grow towards becoming a more realistic mode of transportation, there are a lot of exciting new possibilities they could bring. 隨著自動駕駛汽車成為更實際的交通工具發展它們可能會帶來很多令人興奮的新可能性。 However, they may also come with a few downsides as well. 然而,它們也可能會帶來一些缺點。 Let's take a look at some of the different pros and cons.

  6. The trade-in value is the value that I go off of, to find a good deal. 以舊換新的價值就是我根據這個價值,去尋找一個好的交易。. If you can get it anywhere near that value, you got yourself a good deal. 如果你能買到接近這個價值的東西,你就會得到一筆好買賣。. Now if we look at the KBB pricing ...

  7. 開車。 我要教你十個和開車有關的常見的動詞。 我們開始吧! 好的, and these are pretty common. Some of them are very, very common; you hear every day. 這些都是很常用的,有一些非常普遍,你每天都可以聽得到的. So the very first one is probably the most common word you will hear when it comes to. 第一個可能就是就是當我們談到開車時最常聽到的字眼: driving: "Brake" or "Hit the brakes". What is "the brakes"? "The brakes" is what stops.

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