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  1. 保單貸款 相關

  2. 貸款5步搞定!資金到位不卡關,線上試算超簡單,即時申辦快速撥款,實現夢想找『泰』幸福! 免保人免出門!5分鐘線上快速申貸,專人免費預約諮詢,創業、旅遊、結婚資金貸就補,線上試算!

  3. 私人貸款額高達HK$400萬或月薪18倍,網上申請可享高達HK$6,800現金回贈。 中銀「易達錢」私人貸款,實際年利率低至1.85%,還款期長達60個月,根據個人化節奏選擇還款期。

  4. 高過件率x超低利率!最高可貸200萬、24小時快速放款、可寬限至7年,解除錢關警報,預約諮詢Go! 救急好幫手!工作滿3個月/有薪轉/扣繳記錄,滿足其一即可貸,24小時免費服務專線,立即諮詢!

  5. OK忠訓國際,20年貸款顧問經驗,超高核貸率,有效解決貸款難題,申貸更有保障,立即填單諮詢。 免盲目亂申貸!OK忠訓國際免費諮詢,快速釐清貸款問題,保障過件率,申貸更有保障,解決問題!

  6. 於Money101申辦渣打Money101獨家限定方案,享0元手續費及前三期利率0.1%,符合條件再送蘋果耳機. 最高可借600萬,他行轉貸加碼送1000宜睿即享券,最長5年還款期限,輕鬆還款


  1. Definition. From the Wikipedia: "In cryptography, a web of trust is a concept used in PGP, GnuPG, and other OpenPGP-compatible systems to establish the authenticity of the binding between a public key and a user. Its decentralized grass roots trust model is an alternative to the centralized trust model of a public key infrastructure (PKI ...

  2. MAF has made a substantial impact in immigrant and low-income communities despite only being around five years. Its lending circles boast a 99 percent repayment rate and a 1 percent default rate. Lending circle members have experienced a 168-point average increase in their credit score and an average of $1,051 reduction in debt.

  3. = a lending practice where small groups borrow collectively and group members encourage one another to repay. It is an important building block of Microfinance. Description. From the Wikipedia: "Solidarity lending takes place through ‘solidarity groups’.

  4. CommonEasy P2P Insurance Broker CommonEasy is a peer-to-peer insurance platform that utilizes the power of the crowd to collectively insure and protect material possessions, homes, and livelihoods. Besure P2P Insurance Broker Peer-to-peer risk sharing for property insurance, not currently launched. Friendsurance P2P Insurance Broker Pools users ...

  5. 2019年2月17日 · Definition. "The open money project aims to create the global infrastructure, tools, governance mechanisms and platforms that will give communities the capacity to create their own currencies [1] with just a few clicks and thereby liberate their wealth potential. This will become the most important evolution for society in the coming years."

  6. Coordination with neighboring tribal communities on mutual recognition and shared governance of overlapping traditional territories. The negotiation starts from: 1. collective memory of migration routes; 2. historical tribal sites; and 3. contemporary living spaces. Mutual endorsement establishes the legitimacy of tribal sovereignties.

  7. The B of B of Joy doesn’t only stand for bank. It stands also for Awareness, Citizen and Movement. As soon as the Movement is big enough, we will instigate referenda, so that citizens can determine policies themselves. For example: in Switzerland all citizens can vote on important issues. B of Joy is of service to people, nature and society.