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  1. 2023年8月22日 · A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching /swelling ...

    • (147)
  2. 2023年8月27日 · Special Precautions and Warnings. When taken by mouth: Policosanol is likely safe when used in doses of 5-80 mg daily for up to 3 years. It's usually well-tolerated. Side effects might include ...

  3. 2023年6月6日 · HIV tests check blood or other body fluids to see if you're infected. Find out about the types of HIV tests, when to get an HIV test, and how long it takes to get HIV test results.

  4. 2023年6月18日 · Differences Between BMR and RMR. Your BMR is a more accurate way to measure your metabolism at complete rest. It’s usually slightly lower than your RMR. Your RMR is a better number to reference ...

  5. › skin-problems-and-treatments › uv-index-overviewThe UV Index Explained - WebMD

    2024年2月12日 · Too much UV light can burn your skin in the short term and raise your risk for skin cancer in the long term. UV index is a color-coded scale that gives you an idea of your UV ray exposure. It ...

  6. WebMD's comprehensive database of prescription drug and medication information from A to Z

  7. 2023年1月3日 · On average about 98.2% of known COVID-19 patients in the U.S. survive, but each individual’s chance of dying from the virus will vary depending on their age, whether they have an underlying ...