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  1. 是否需要重新下載? 已擁有遊戲,但還需要啟動器? 正在尋找 Linux 版本或伺服器檔案嗎? 請查看我們的「下載」頁面。 前往下載. 隨心所欲,改變您的遊戲! 無論您是想要更可愛、更好笑,還是更混亂,總有一款附加功能適合您! 多款全新的免費和付費附加功能任君挑選。 探索附加功能. 收藏品. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢? 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!

  2. 在 MINECRAFT 中發現了錯誤嗎? 您可在此找到適用 Minecraft 之各平台的錯誤報告工具。 MINECRAF:JAVA 版 官方錯誤追蹤器 WINDOWS、XBOX、PlayStation、Nintendo Switch、Chromebook 和行動裝置 (IOS/ANDROID/AMAZON KINDLE FIRE 官方錯誤

  3. 第一次玩 Minecraft 嗎?. 在您探索之前,家長和玩家可以獲得有關如何玩 Minecraft、遊戲內安全功能等方面的提示。.

    • What Is Minecraft Launcher?
    • How Do I Install/Reinstall Minecraft Launcher?
    • How Do I Update Minecraft Launcher?

    The Minecraft Launcher is your hub for accessing all of your favorite Minecraft games on PC. You can download new versions of Minecraft games, access multiplayer servers, manage your profile, get mod support, and more with Minecraft Launcher. Learn more about Minecraft Launcher through the help center.

    You can install Minecraft Launcher through the Microsoft Store or select the “Download Launcher” button at the top of this page. If you need to reinstall Launcher, simply go to the Microsoft Store and download it again. If you have the old version of Minecraft Launcher, use our guide on how to uninstall the old Minecraft Unified Launcher so you can...

    You’ll be able to see when you need to update your Minecraft Launcher by going to your account settings. Go to Settings > About to find all available Launcher updates.

  4. If you can't get the standard download of Minecraft: Java Edition to work on your machine you may want to try with one of the alternative options below. Just so you know, by downloading any of the software on this page, you agree to the Minecraft End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy.

  5. Minecraft 2009 只靠 32 個模組建構而成,充滿了最基本的遊戲錯誤,和醜啦嘰的介面,比記憶中還要棒呢!. 慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!. 6 月 15 日之前在 Minecraft 週年慶特賣消費,即享所有遊戲五折優惠,還有 15 天大放送的免費贈品和收藏桌布。.

  6. 與旋風使者戰鬥 這群試煉密室中的頑皮生物,製造出的風足以讓您飛離地面!這種生物是相當強大的敵人,行動敏捷且不怕投射物攻擊,但所掉落的旋風桿可以用來打造風之武器。