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  1. Watch on. 影片播放. A historic day for semiconductors here in Japan. 這是日本半導體行業歷史性的一天。 The world's biggest chip maker TSMC has formally opened its first fab here in Japan in Kumamoto Prefecture. 全球最大的晶片製造商台積電在日本熊本縣正式開設了第一家工廠。 It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry.

  2. CNN的威爾·里普利最近獲得了進入培訓設施的罕見機會揭示了在那裡工作需要什麼以及他們如何創造運行我們的智慧手機筆記型電腦和汽車的現代晶片。 And TMSC is expanding its operations as demand for its advanced chips continues to boom. CNN's Will Ripley has more. 隨著對其先進晶片的需求持續擴大,台積電正在擴大其業務。 CNN的威爾·里普利有更多報導。 CNN 記者威爾-裡普利(Will Ripley)為您帶來更多報道。

  3. 亞馬遜的晶片只是在這個新興市場中競爭的一種類型目前該市場由最大的晶片設計商 Nvidia 主導

  4. 台灣,因為它的民主制度,我們沒有對其懷有和中國一樣的擔憂,或著說,中國讓台灣會單方面宣佈獨立的可能性減少了。. Taiwan's⏤has managed to position itself over the last 30 years as a contract manufacturer or original design manufacturer of choice for many of the world's leading technology ...

  5. the first side that goes into the factory process is the reverse side. 進入產線會先處理背面。. Once the reverse is done, 等背面處理好之後, a machine switches the motherboard to the front side. 機器會把主機板翻到另一面. and the process starts again on the SMT Line. 並在SMT 產線再次開始處理工作。. After ...

  6. A wireless chip has been successfully placed in a human brain by Elon Musk's Neuralink company. 馬斯克的公司 Neuralink 已成功將無線晶片植入人腦。. The device is able to read brain signals linked to movement and send them to a computer. 該設備能夠讀取與運動相關的大腦訊號並將其發送到電腦。.

  7. B1 中級 中文 美國腔 電池 日曆 電路板 手錶 月份 閏年 精工萬年曆怎麼復位,裝新電池。手錶維修教程。8F32 (How to reset a Seiko perpetual calendar and fit a new battery.