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  1. 這些證券交易市場合起來,成為一個全球連結的市場。. 股票 證券 企業 交易 臉書 歐. 上課啦!. 投資菜鳥一定要聽這堂股票速成班!. (How the Stock Exchange Works) 28637 545. ychiangm 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 06 日. 分享. 影片單字.

  2. B1 中級 中文 日元 日本 遊客 創下 經濟 央行 日幣創下 34 年來新低,對日本公司、消費者和旅遊業會帶來何什麼樣的影響? (What does the yen at a 34-year low mean for Japanese companies, consumers and tourism?

  3. The sugars it contains activate the sweet taste receptors, part of the taste buds on the tongue. 裡面的糖活化了甜味的受器,也就是舌頭上味蕾的一部。. These receptors send a signal up to the brain stem, and from there, it forks off into many areas of the forebrain, one of which is the cerebral cortex. 這些受器 ...

  4. Our word of the day is "MARGIN" Margin is a deposit that is used as collateral. 我們今天的單詞是"MARGIN"保證金是指作為抵押品的存款。. when entering a financial transaction. The trader makes this deposit in 'good faith'. 在進行金融交易時。. 交易者以'誠意&39進行這筆存款。. to purchase or sell a contract ...

  5. The rush for the bond market exit is accelerating and the US dollar is looking good. Thirty-year US treasury yields have climbed above 3% level last seen at the beginning of the year. Yes, the bond vigilantes are stirring. Expectations of higher inflation and aggressive fiscal easing by President-elect Donald Trump. 沒錯,債券義勇軍 ...

  6. 例句. a composition by the sculptor, Bernt Notke. In the exam, you have to do a composition. 超過 500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!. 十萬部 YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。. 免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,是華人提升英文 ...

  7. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:文檔,點擊,調整,單擊,頁面,改變,箭頭,視圖,按住,碼頭,更改,方法,輸入,選擇,谷歌,功能,創建,變成,影響,完成,看到,邊距,尺子,設置,標尺,默認值,測量值,大份

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