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  1. 超過 500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部 YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,是華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的最佳學習方法和工具!多種主題任你選,依照自己的興趣與需求,打造專屬於自己的英語線上 ...

  2. 總經理尼科-哈里森(Nico Harrison)還通過精心策劃的交易和簽約增加了球隊的深度,這一切都是為了圍繞盧卡(Luka)這對歷史上強大的進攻組合進行建設。 Doncic and Kyrie Irving. 東契奇和凱里-歐文。 The Klay Thompson acquisition augments Dallas' offensive firepower, while the additions of. 克雷-湯普森的加盟增強了達拉斯的進攻火力,而新加盟的. Quentin Grimes via the trade market and Najee Marshall via free agency prop up Dallas' defense.

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  4. 影片播放. In our first ever Olympic mini-games, the dudes will compete in various challenges in order to win bronze, silver, and gold medals. 在我們首次推出的奧運迷你遊戲中,帥哥們將參加各種挑戰,以贏得銅牌、銀牌和金牌。. The dude with the most points at the end is your champion. 最後得分最高的 ...

  5. It's go time! 該走了. This is Joy, coming to you live in Riley's Mind. 這裡是 "喜悅",為您帶來 "萊莉之心 "的現場直播。 Riley has gotten so big, she's officially a teenager now. 萊莉已經長這麼大了,她已經正式成為一個十幾歲的孩子了。 Ah! 啊! Inside Out is a workplace comedy. 反面教材》是一部職場喜劇。 No one really has that much in common. 沒有人真的有那麼多共同點。 Fear and Anger. 恐懼和憤怒,讓萊莉時刻保持警惕。 Keeping Riley on her toes.

  6. 影片播放. To celebrate the release of Pitch Perfect 2, let's take a look at 12 things you probably. 為了慶祝歌喉讚2上映,我們來看看關於這音樂喜劇續集你不知道的. didn't know about the musical comedy sequel. 十二件事. To get ready for the movie's opening sequence, which features her performing Miley Cyrus's. 為了拍攝電影的開頭,也就是Rebel Wilson表演Miley Cyrus的Wrecking Ball.

  7. All to see who would be crowned Season 2 World Champion. Korea's Azubu Frost came into the World Championship Finals as the heavy favorites, having made short work of their competition in each stage of the tournament.