Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Emily Parker: "Xinchejian, founded in 2010, means "new workshop." It occupies a rented room in a Shanghai warehouse. Members pay around $16 a month to use the space and tools, and on Wednesday nights it is open to the public. The Taiwan-born David Li, a 40-year-old programmer and a co-founder of Xinchejian, wants to lower the barriers for ...

  2. 因特网,作为一种点对点的网络,就是为在终端(电脑用户)进行参与而设计的,而不必使用必需的网络线器。 尽管它并没有完全在其参与者的控制之下,但是它通过分布式管理进行控制,并且在特定私人或政府参与者的完整权力之外。