Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Playing Nemesis will take you into the heart of sci-fi survival horror in all its terror. A soldier fires blindly down a corridor, trying to stop the alien advance. A scientist races to find a solution in his makeshift lab. A traitor steals the last escape pod in the very last moment.

    • (31.3K)
  2. Wayfarers of the South Tigris is set during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate, circa 820 AD. As brave explorers, cartographers and astronomers, players set off from Baghdad to map the surrounding land, waterways, and heavens above.

    • (4.8K)
  3. Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2, the sixth expansion for Terraforming Mars, focuses on cross-expansion effects, prelude cards with ongoing effects and actions, and more project cards for your tableau...not to mention five new corporations.

  4. The board game Letters from Whitechapel, which plays in 90-150 minutes, takes the players right there. One player plays Jack the Ripper, and his goal is to take five victims before being caught. The other players are police detectives who must cooperate to catch Jack the Ripper before the end of the game.

  5. Reiner Knizia (born 1957 in Germany) is a full-time game designer who lived for many years in England. He earned a PhD in mathematics and has previously worked in the banking industry. His first published games in 1990 were Gold Digger and Desperados.

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