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  1. 2022年2月7日 · 積金局發言人今日 (2 月 7 日 ) 表示,一名於觀塘辦 事處 工 作 的行政助理今日接 獲 衞生防護中心 通知 初 步 確診 2019 冠狀病毒。 積金局已 立即 為辦事處進行徹底清潔和消毒,並 暫時 關閉辦事處。 該 行政助理 主要負 責 處理內部文書工作,無須與公眾接 觸,工作時均有佩戴口罩及遵守有關 ...

  2. › en › info-centreGuidelines - MPFA

    Section 6H of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485) (MPFSO) empowers the MPFA to issue guidelines for the guidance of approved trustees, service providers, participating employers and their employees, self-employed persons and other persons concerned with the MPFSO to facilitate their compliance with the regulatory requirements.

  3. 積金局 使命和職責 機構管治及企業社會責任 積金.誌 機構活動 積金之友 社交媒體平台 加入積金局 認可供應商名冊 內部員工 ...

  4. Legislation & Regulations. Consultations & Conclusions. Memorandum of Understanding. Interim Measures for Participation in Social Insurance by Hong Kong Residents in the Mainland. Last Revision Date: 28/10/2022. Back To Top.

  5. Wing Hing Buttons and Buckles Limited 榮興五金製品廠有限公司

  6. 2021年10月8日 · The eORSO Portal is an electronic platform established by the MPFA for the authorized persons of representative/relevant employers of ORSO schemes and administrators who are non-employer trustees (for MPF exempted schemes)/designated persons (for non-MPF exempted schemes) to submit annual documents by electronic means.

  7. 強積金最新統計數字. 強積金計劃數目. 核准成分基金數目. 強積金登記率. 註冊強積金中介人. < 回到上頁. 修訂日期: 11/04/2024. 返回頁頂.

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