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  1. Coordination with neighboring tribal communities on mutual recognition and shared governance of overlapping traditional territories. The negotiation starts from: 1. collective memory of migration routes; 2. historical tribal sites; and 3. contemporary living spaces. Mutual endorsement establishes the legitimacy of tribal sovereignties.

  2. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free. WPI then makes money by trading in the boards’ components. "We call this shanzhai in Shenzhen.

  3. 2021年9月3日 · "Sorokin's principal tool in analyzing cultures and explaining their changes is his classification of cultures and all their manifestations into three main types: Sensate, Idealistic, and Ideational coupled with his concept of "logico-meaningful" integration of cultural elements.

  4. Maurizio Lazzarato is a philosopher, expert on Gabriel Tarde, co-founder of the magazine Multitudes, who has been specializing in the analysis of cognitive capitalism, and its discontents, hence his work on the P2P-concept of Multitudes, the coordination format in political and economic resistance, etc..

  5. 2010年3月7日 · " Apomediation is a new scholarly socio-technological term that characterizes the process of disintermediation (intermediaries are middlemen or “gatekeeper”, e.g. health professionals giving “relevant” information to a patient, and disintermediation means to bypass them), whereby the former intermediaries are functionally replaced by apomediarie...

  6. The Commons and Peer to Peer (P2P) together form a system based on the practices and needs of civil society and the environment it inhabits, evolving away from obsolete, centrally planned systems or the competitive dictates of market economies. But what are the Commons and P2P, and how do they interrelate? This Primer explores these concepts.

  7. Removing color and texture from the environment by leaving brutal sur-faces of raw exposed concrete (following Le Corbusier) denies two of the human senses: color vision, and touch. Two more senses, hearing and smell, are assaulted when concrete is used in interior walls.

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