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  1. Taiwan Indigenous Conserved Territories Union. = organization to protect the land tenure rights and well-being of Taiwanese indigenous communities. URL =. member of the ICCA Consortium, which aims to protect Indigenous Peoples and Community Conserved Territories and Areas.

  2. 2019年8月24日 · A network of professionals work together in teams to offer Enspiral Services, a range of business services under one roof. By default members pool 20% of their invoices into a collective bucket, 25% of which goes to the Foundation. Loomio and Cobudget are then used to decide how to spend the rest.

  3. 2024年5月23日 · = Michel Bauwens is the founder of the P2P Foundation, an observatory on commoning and peer production and is the co-author of P2P, A Commons Manifesto . Based in Thailand, he has crafted Transition Plans for the city of Ghent and for Ecuador in 2014. The last 3 years he was advisor to, a labour mutual. Contents. 1 Short summary.

  4. Defining a Post-Industrial Style - P2P Foundation. Eric Hunting (erichunting at, October 2009. Contents. 1 On Defining a Post-Industrial Style. 1.1 Industrial AGe Blobjects. 1.2 Towards Post-Industrial Design. 1.3 Precepts for Industrial Design. 1.4 Examples: On Defining a Post-Industrial Style. Industrial AGe Blobjects.

  5. “ThinkCycle, is a Web-based industrial-design project that brings together engineers, designers, academics, and professionals from a variety of disciplines. Soon, some physicians and engineers were pitching in - vetting designs and recommending new paths. Within a few months, Prestero's team had turned the suggestions into an ingenious solution.

  6. 2015年2月15日 · Platforms that will make the most out of machines + local people will bring the most value. What matters the most are not space & machines, but good food & good music. As Youka Watanabe shared with me — as Jens Dyvik apparently once said — in Fablabs and MakerSpaces, machines don’t bring projects, people do.

  7. 2023年12月1日 · Description. "the Critical Computation Bureau (CCB), a collective of researchers and writers working between technology and culture, computer science and information theory, aesthetics and politics.

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