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    地震險長期投保率過低,因為大家都想『不會發生在我身上』,且考量高房價、理賠條件嚴格等因素…. 勿持僥倖心態!921過後,火險強制『綁定』地震險,降低天災對投保人的傷害,但由於發生機率低…


  1. 2024年4月3日 · A strong earthquake rocked Taiwan early Wednesday, toppling buildings and leaving at least nine dead, dozens of others trapped and nearly 1,000 people injured, officials there say. The magnitude 7 ...


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  3. 2018年2月19日 · 【星島日報報道】台灣近期地震不斷,過新年原本打算會減少地震,怎料昨晚十時多又再發生一次黎克特制5.3級地震,而且在宜蘭縣,十分靠近港人 ...

  4. Enjoy an ad-free inbox, plus advanced productivity and security features. Yahoo Mail Plus helps you gain the upper hand on clutter in your inbox. $5 /month. Try it FREE* for 14 days. *To avoid ...

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