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  1. 4 天前 · Morshed Mannan: "Outside of protocol cooperatives, distributed cooperative organizations (DisCOs) are another form of organization that is closely associated with platform and open cooperativism in the blockchain space.

  2. Model Distributed Collaborative Organizations. = template available on gitbooks. URL = "A distributed organization can more rapidly engage stakeholders who are interested in the projects success.

  3. 2010年5月2日 · Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and ...

  4. 2019年8月12日 · Commons Transition. = projects that are specifically or more loosely related to a commons-oriented transition for our political economy, society, and civilizational model. For more Commons Transition-specific resources, please visit our related projects:

  5. Christian Iaione: "It’s the quintuple helix governance approach. Stanford has advocated the triple helix (public, private, knowledge) as the key to “success" of the Silicon Valley.

  6. 2018年6月10日 · A trust’s purpose is the mission and governing principles — and when it’s ignored, it’s beneficiaries can use it to hold the trustee accountable. The purpose of a Civic Trust is to embed principled, participatory governance systems into the decision-making processes that define user rights within a technology platform.

  7. The Task Team is led by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the United Nations Development Programme and brings together senior experts from over 60 UN entities and international organizations to provide system-wide support to the post-2015 consultation process, including analytical input, expertise and outreach."

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