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  1. 全球最大的晶片製造商台積電在日本熊本縣正式開設了第一家工廠。 It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry. 現在,它已成為日本最先進的晶片製造設施,必將極大地推動日本科技產業的發展。 Tokyo has been spending billions of dollars trying to revive chip production at home, and it also gave considerable subsidies here to the Taiwanese company.

  2. Located in Taiwan, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is one of the world's most secretive tech companies. 位於台灣的台積電是世界上最神秘的科技公司之一。 CNN's Will Ripley recently gained rare access to the training facility to uncover what it takes to work there and how they create these modern day chips that run our smartphones, laptops and cars.

  3. 再往南走在熊本世界最大的芯片製造商臺積電擁有一個價值 7 美元的生產基地。 十億美元的工廠正在加緊生產,另一個在. The Japanese government is pouring a $28 billion into its chip revival strategy, with the city of Chitose experiencing a property boom as a result. 管道日本政府正在向該輸油管道投入 28千歲市在其芯片復興戰略中投入了 10 億美元。 房地產是以而繁榮。

  4. 說到台灣的重要關鍵企業人們都會提到一家叫做台積電的公司它是一家晶片代工廠。 and they make chips and parts for so many different American companies as well as other companies around the world .

  5. A2 初級 中文 時間 圖表 治療師 媽媽 在一起 父母. 時光荏苒,生命短暫,把時間花在重要的人事物上吧!. (Life is short (how to spend it wisely) ⏱) 74476 559. 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 02 月 25 日. 分享. 影片單字. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英 ...

  6. 技嘉科技主機板製造過程揭曉! (How a motherboard is made: Inside the Gigabyte factory in Taiwan) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. This factory in Taiwan makes 400,000 computer motherboards a month. 這間在台灣的工廠一個月生產四十萬片的主機板。 And amazingly, a lot of the work is still done by hand. 令人驚訝的是,生產過程中還是有很多部分是人工組裝。

  7. 如何製作主板--技嘉工廠巡禮視頻介紹 (How to make a Motherboard - A GIGABYTE Factory Tour Video) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Today we are at the GIGABYTE Factory in Nan-Ping, Taiwan. 今天我們來到台灣南平的技嘉工廠。 to show from beginning to end, exactly how a GIGABYTE motherboard is made. 我們將告訴您,主機板的整個製造流程與細節.

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