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  1. The springboard for this site is “A Prosperous Way Down”, drafted in the mid 1980s by Howard T. and Elisabeth C. Odum, and published in 2001. Many of the energetic diagrams for the website are extracted from Mark T. Brown’s Emergy Powerpoints, which explain the meaning of energy diagrams and the method for Emergy Accounting and Synthesis."

  2. Category. : Politics. Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. - Ryunosuke Satoro [1] To find ways, against all odds, to bring together all the various highly differentiated and often local movements into some kind of commonality of purpose. - David Harvey, Spaces of Hope [2]

  3. The overuse of that resource has been described, notably by Hardin, as the tragedy of the commons. Heller defines an anticommons property as a scarce resource in which multiple owners have the right to individually exclude others from its use, and no one has an effective privilege of use. Stalemate results in the , the underuse of a property.

  4. Each of the 280 women who have invested in the “mobile market” has earned an impressive 100% return on their investment. Making money is emphatically not the primary goal of the villagers’ farming, however. The key goal remains mutual support and food The ...

  5. There is only one counter-move: to take back the land from the machines! This will require a vast social movement. What we are facing are not isolated machines, but a technical system that is itself part of a regulatory, fiscal, and bureaucratic systems.

  6. 2021年10月22日 · What Illich began to notice in the 1980’s was that this instrumental logic no longer obtained. A new age had begun in which people were no longer distinct from the systems in which they took part. They had been, he supposed, “swallowed by the system.”. He began to speak of the emergence of an “age of systems” or, alternately, of “an ...

  7. Contents. 1 Les Matrices Ontologiques de Philippe Descola. 1.1 L'animisme. 1.2 Le naturalisme. 1.3 L'analogisme. 1.4 Le totémisme. 2 Les formes collectives propres aux matrices ontologiques. 3 Les problématiques des subjectivités coextensives aux matrices ontologiques. 4 Les schèmes de relation.