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  1. 所以,因為單身漢本季的最終章準備要上演了 (註:The Bachelor 美國真人實境的約會節目),所以我決定在推特開始「#超尷尬分手」這個標籤。 And I asked you guys to tweet out a funny or awkward breakup story that happened to you or someone you know. 我請你們發表一則好笑或是尷尬的分手故事,無論是發生在自己身上或是你認識的其他人身上。 We got thousands of Tweets. 我們收到上千則推特貼文。 I mean, a lot of people have great stories. 我的意思是,很多人都有很棒的故事。

  2. 安全分手守則 (Wellcast - How to Leave an Abusive Relationship) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. First things first, Wellcasters! 各位觀眾,首先請注意! If at any time your safety is in jeopardy, call 911 or this National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE. 如果你的安全受到威脅,請撥打 911 或家暴專線 1-800-799-SAFE。 There’s nothing more important than your health and well-being.

  3. 有天妳會說:「如果某某人沒有跟我分手我就不會……」. And that blank is gonna be a beautiful surprise that you couldn't possibly predict right now. 而這個空格,將會是妳現在所無法預想的美好事物。. Key idea number two: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. 重點二、傷痛無可避免 ...

  4. 是時候分手了! But how in the world are you gonna have that conversation? 但到底該怎麼開口呢? Hey everyone welcome to Wellcast. 嘿大家好,歡迎收看 Wellcast。 This week we're talking about that awful discussion that comes at the eleventh hour of a relationship. 這週我們要來討論,分手前一刻那令人難堪的談話。

  5. 一段戀情開始了。 The point about ruptures is that they say nothing – in themselves – about a relationship's. 關於破裂的重點是,它們本身並不能說明什麼,關於一段關係的。 prospects of survival. There might be constant rather grave ruptures and no break up. Or. 生存的前景。

  6. 為什麼迴避型和焦慮型伴侶難以分手? (Why Avoidant and Anxious Partners Find It Hard to Split Up) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. There is a certain sort of relationship that is alternately passionate, fiery and painfully. 有一種關係是激情、火熱和痛苦交替的. unfulfilling – and that tends to puzzle both outsiders and its participants; a relationship. 不滿足--這往往讓外人和參與者感到困惑;這種關係.

  7. Without further ado, here are four possible reasons why you feel empty all the time. 言歸正傳,我們舉出了 4 種你時時刻刻感到空虛的可能原因。 One: You don't know who you are. 1. 你不知道自己是誰。 The lack of insight into yourself might be responsible for the feelings of emptiness you are experiencing. 對自己缺乏理解可能是你正在感受空虛的原因。

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