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  1. Comparing this game to 2020’s Dune: Imperium , from Dire Wolf Digital, that game has more dimensions and is less variable, but it is also a longer game with more time and moving parts to let you develop your strategy. Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy is faster and less demanding in terms of decision-making, and sometimes that’s the ...

  2. I am wondering what people think are the best political game out there. I am talking about games that have dealing and backstabbing the other players - not ones that are set in a political arena but involve mostly resource management. Also, tell me why you think the game is great.

  3. Description. Political games encourage players to use their character's authority to manipulate societal activities and policy.

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  5. Hegemony can be a bit overwhelming the first time you sit down to play it and for some players it may not be clear what to pursue and what to focus on. To that end, I thought of writing a few strategy tips with what is important for each role

  6. Get Frodo to Mordor Stratego-style before shadow overtakes him. This Deluxe Edition of Reiner Knizia’s acclaimed Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation combines a superb craftsmanship with an exciting expansion for this award-winning game. The Confrontation is a two-player board game in which players take control of the forces of Sauron, seeking to find their master’s ring, or the forces of ...

  7. When replying to this thread, please use spoiler tags If you're writing about something that happens part way through the legacy experience. To do so, click the SP button or type [ o] [ /o] without the spaces to hide what's between them, you can use preview to check it