Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Watch on. 影片播放. With just two weeks left before Taiwan goes to the polls, the three presidential candidates, 距離台灣大選僅剩兩週,三位總統候選人, Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People's Party, Lai Qing De of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and Hou Yu-ih of the Guomindang faced off on tough issues in the country's only live televised presidential debate.

  2. 但我的另一半就說:「但她插隊耶,而且她可能是中國人。」 I was like don 't be prejudiced. 我當時想,不要有偏見。 And then I was like, "Where are you from?" 然後我就問:「你從哪兒來?」 She said, "Taiwan." 她說:「臺灣。」 I was like, "Damn, it. We are

  3. 但我們在研究中看到的是你和另一位同事之間的負面互動可能會對你的心理健康和職業生涯產生不利影響

  4. 試圖爭取一個董事會席位,他和另一位投資者對迪士尼近期項目執行方式以及他們繼續在幾乎每部電影上虧損方式感到不滿。 ... 因此,無論你是否真同意他們的政治立場,或者你同意他們在電影中傳達訊息,顯然,有些地方出了問題 ...

  5. 毫無根據政治和偽創新思維 And on this count, TED has a ways to go. 可是對於後者,TED 又認為可行 Perhaps the pinnacle of placebo politics was presented at TEDxSanDiego 最知名政治演講是在 TEDxSanDiego a few years ago. ...

  6. 你知道嗎最近的一份問卷調查指出有半數以上的職員表示辦公室政治在這五年來變得更加競爭激烈了

  7. Well, the first thing is to figure out why you do not like them. 首先要弄清楚自己為什麼不喜歡他們。. 'Cause if you feel upset because your friend is no longer available to you, because their time is now divided between you and their partner, that has nothing to do with their relationship and everything to do with your own ...