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  1. Sympoiesis. = " interfacing between different viewpoints (and in fact disciplines of science) to establish a principle of collaboration (synergy) by which the expertise of either standpoint can be combined, and enhanced, to bring out new understanding. " [1]

  2. Cosmolocalism stands for a transformation in how we produce the stuff of life. It is a contested space with no guarantees. There are patent wars and appropriations of IP, the challenges in building and financing open source and open design start ups, creating urban commons ecosystems, and a variety of other challenges.

    • Contextual Quotes
    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Discussion
    • Discussion 2: Scenarios

    Cosmo-localism "comes partly from discourse on cosmopolitanism which asserts that each of us has equal moral standing, even as nations treat people differently. The dominant economic system treats physical resources as if they were infinite and then locks up intellectual resources as if they were finite. But the reality is quite the contrary. We li...

    Jose Ramos: "In very basic terms cosmo-localism describes the dynamic potentials of our emerging globally distributed knowledge and design commons in conjunction with the emerging (high and low tech) capacity for localized production of value. It already exists today in many quickly maturing forms such as with Maker Bot’s Thingverse and the Global ...

    Jose Ramos: "The normative impetus for cosmo-localism is based on a number of as-yet unproven assumptions: 1. that cosmo-localism can help drive the development of localized circular economies / industrial ecologies that can reduce or eliminate waste; 2. that the localized production of critical products can make a city or region more resilient in ...


    Jose Ramos: "Cosmo-localism draws from previous work on alternative globalization pathways, in particular popular discourses articulating relocalization, the global network society and cosmopolitan transnational solidarity (Ramos 2010), as well as the work of Bauwens and Kostakis (2014) in articulating commons-based peer productionand Kostakis et al (2015) in developing the Design Global, Manufacture Local model (DG-ML). Finally, there are projects emerging around the world that exemplify cos...

    Drivers of change enabling cosmo-localism

    In this next section I discuss the critical drivers of change enabling the potential for cosmo-localism: 1. Global knowledge and design commons 2. Consumer manufacturing technology 3. Maker movement 4. Urbanization and mega-city regions 5. Economic precarity 6. Resource impacts, scarcity, and circularization of economies Knowledge and design resources for a variety of critical support systems are now available in the distributed web under open licenses (creative commons / gnu / copy left), wh...

    Weight of history and obstacles to cosmo-localism

    "In addition to drivers potentiating cosmo-localism, there are equally powerful ‘weights of history’, legacy systems, cultural factors and other obstacles to cosmo-localism. These include: 1. Platform oligopolies 2. Economic incumbents 3. Intellectual property regimes 4. Consumer culture Platform oligopoly is the first challenge to cosmo-localism, the power of the big Silicon Valley enterprises to monopolize and potentially suppress the potentials for cosmo-localism. Big platforms, like Faceb...

    Jose Ramos: "To conclude this exploratory essay, there are a number of images of the future that connect with cosmo-localism. To structure this I use Dator’s four archetypal images of the future, as a starting point, with an acknowledgment that deeper scenario work still needs to be done.

  3. Tit for tat is a highly effective strategy in game theory. See the Wikipedia Entry on Tit for Tat. Description. Based on the English saying meaning "equivalent retaliation" ("tit for tat"), an 'agent' using this strategy will initially cooperate, then respond in kind to a previous opponent's action.

  4. In The Symbiocene, human action, culture and enterprise will be exemplified by those cumulative types of relationships and attributes nurtured by humans that enhance mutual interdependence and mutual benefit for all living beings (desirable), all species (essential) and the health of all ecosystems (mandatory).

  5. 2009年1月15日 · Description. "Panspectric technologies were initially developed with in signals intelligence. Now they are progressively being transferred to all aspects of every-day life, thus enforcing social order. The notion of the panspectron was coined by Manuel DeLanda’s in his book War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (1991), referring ...

  6. "Zooko's triangle is a diagram named after Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn which sets out a conjecture for any system for giving names to participants in a network protocol. At the vertices of the triangle are three properties that are generally considered desirable for such names:

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