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  1. The National Alliance for Medical Imaging Computing (NA-MIC) is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, software engineers, and medical investigators who develop computational tools for the analysis and visualization of medical image data. The purpose of the center is to provide the infrastructure and environment ...

  2. This conception formed the backdrop for all the policy proposals that Bauwens and his FLOK colleagues developed with the aim of empowering ‘the direct creation of value by civil society’ (P2P Foundation 2017). Thus, in the context of FLOK’s policy documents, the Partner State is synonymous with a state government that supports cooperative ...

  3. Soleri's vision sought him to develop Arcosanti as a prototype Arcology - a hyper-dense, urban megastructures that he believed was central to confronting the twin demons that menace humanity: suburban sprawl and overconsumption. What I began to realize in my time at Arcosanti was that Arcology has never been well defined.

  4. As seen in the movie Invictus (2009), Mandela devised the strategy of using a rugby game to transcend racial and class identification and unify the country. In actuality, this was Spiral Dynamics being used, not to alter peoples’ value systems, but to highlight and bring into focus a value system that was already there.

  5. L.M. Sacasas: "Ivan Illich’s argument for a commons of silence. I’ve cited that same essay by Illich before, but allow me to do so again here. “Just as the commons of space are vulnerable and can be destroyed by the motorization of traffic,” Illich argued, “so the commons of speech are vulnerable, and can easily be destroyed by the ...

  6. Since its founding in 1985, MASIPAG has worked with over 30.000 farmers in more than 60 Filipino provinces who have collected and bred over 2.000 rice varieties. Their aim is to preserve and develop varieties, which are specifically adopted to organic farming systems and regional environmental conditions, in order to support local food security and contribute to the long-term conservation of ...

  7. Its Employee Happiness Survey, developed with researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, found that overall employee engagement is 80% positive, compared to the national average of 60%. Another online marketplace, Zaarly, connects consumers to local products, wellness programs and services provided by their neighbours.