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  1. › app › 2668080Steam - 塵白禁域

    關於此遊戲 「分析員,該你上場了!」 《塵白禁域》是一款3D輕科幻射擊RPG,支持多端互通、共享進度。在降臨事情發生後的近未來都市戰場,作為分析員的你,將與一群擁有各異的性格與天賦的天啟者美少女們組成戰術小隊,重返被稱作「零區」的禁域,攜手對戰巨型坦及各方勢力的威脅 ...

    • (2.2K)
  2. Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games. Browse thousands of titles, join millions of players, and enjoy exclusive deals and discounts. Whether you want to pay a fee to sell your own product, or subscribe to your favorite games, Steam has something for everyone.

  3. HELLDIVERS™ 2 is a 3rd person squad-based shooter that sees the elite forces of the Helldivers battling to win an intergalactic struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. From a 3rd person perspective, players use a variety of weapons (pistols, machine guns, flamethrowers) and stratagems (turrets, airstrikes, etc.) to shoot and ...

  4. 霧鎖王國 (Enshrouded) 玩家將扮演 Flameborn,一個即將滅亡的種族最後的希望之火。. 在侵蝕四周的迷霧之中醒來並生存下去,重新奪回王國昔日的風采。. 在這款最多支援 16 人同時遊玩的合作生存動作 RPG 中探索廣大世界,擊退強大頭目,打造宏偉建築並走出屬於 ...

  5. 緋染天空 Heaven Burns Red. 劃破長空,少女們悲喜交織的命運之鳴,「緋染天空 Heaven Burns Red」 由Key 麻枝 准執筆,背負著最後希望的少女們所譜出的故事。. 在地圖中盡情奔跑,一邊體驗可貴的每一天,一邊賭上性命戰鬥的戲劇性RPG!. 登入後,可依您的遊戲、好友 ...

  6. About This Game. Create your own nation in Millennia, a historical turn-based 4X game that challenges your strategic prowess across 10,000 years of history, from the dawn of humanity to our possible futures. Set the course of history and experience different timelines in every playthrough as you write an epic story through your actions.

  7. 歡迎來到免費大逃殺戰場《決勝時刻®:現代戰域™》,現收錄烏兹斯坦、復生島及藏寶之地。. 燃起來吧. 在全新的城市烏茲斯坦中戰鬥,空降並慶祝復生島及藏寶之地的回歸,這兩張經典捲土重來地圖將會讓新手和老手感到興奮不已。. 爭奪獎勵. 尋找補給箱並 ...