Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋

  1. 國泰 防疫 相關

  2. 多方案自由任選!線上3步驟即知利率及額度,最快5分鐘撥款,申貸就是這麼簡單! 免上傳文件、免找專員、免跑分行,立即確認利率及額度,資金到位不卡關!


  1. Citi Taiwan Business Department Code remains to be 021-0018 (021 as the bank code, and 0018 as the branch code) The account number and related rights of all Citi corporate and institutional clients in Taiwan remain unchanged. Please use 021-0018 for all TWD incoming transactions, and SWIFT CODE: CITITWTX for all FCY incoming tractions, to ...

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