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  1. 國營事業招考 相關

  2. 退休潮湧現國營事業招考徵才一波波,工作機會多更多,考試科目少且多為選擇題,就近分發離家近。 輕鬆準備4科,年終30萬不是夢,國營鐵飯碗,好工作不間斷。


  1. 很抱歉,字典找不到您要的資料喔!

  2. 1. 申請人 [C] [(+for)] There were five applicants for the position. 有五人申請那個職務。. 同義詞. n. 候選人,申請者. candidate. , job seeker. , job hunter.

  3. n. [C] 候選人;候補者 [(+for)];應試者,攻讀學位者 [(+for)] 名詞複數:candidates. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. n. [C] 可數名詞. 1. 候選人;候補者 [(+for)] They were in favor of the Democratic candidate for President. 他們支持民主黨總統候選人。 2. 應試者,攻讀學位者...

  4. 使恢復健康(或體力等) The rest and the drink recruited him. 休息和喝水使他恢復了體力。. vi. 不及物動詞. 1. 招募新兵;招收新成員 His job was to recruit for the army. 他的工作是為陸軍募兵。. 2. 【罕】得到補充.

  5. 及物動詞. 1. 僱用 [(+as)] [O2] The mill employs a thousand workers. 這家工廠僱用了一千名工人。. 2. 使用,利用 How do you employ your spare time? 你是怎樣利用你的空餘時間的?. 3. (常與oneself連用或用被動式)使忙於,使從事於 [(+in)] The children were employed in painting.

  6. n. 名詞. 1. 競爭,角逐 [U] [(+with/between/for)] Competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense. 年輕人想進一流大學的競爭是很激烈的。 2. 比賽,競賽;賽會 [C] [+to-v] I entered a chess competition and finished...

  7. 陪伴, 作伴; 一起 He'll go with you as far as the station for company.他將陪你到車站。 I hate going out alone; I take my daughter for company.我不願獨自一人出門, 帶女兒作個伴。

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