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  1. 地震發生的起始店被稱為「震源」,而地震傳遞到地表上的中心點則被稱為「震央」。 There are three types of Earthquakes . 地震總共分為三種。

  2. If you're near the sea or a river, a tsunami might be coming. 如果你靠近大海或河流,很有可能發生海嘯。. And after a major tremor, aftershocks make it dangerous to be near damaged structures, older buildings or cliffs that might collapse. 而在大地震之後,餘震使得受損建築、老舊建物或懸崖附近變得很 ...

  3. Emergency workers in Taiwan are looking for dozens of people who are still missing after the island was hit by its strongest earthquake of this century. 臺灣發生本世紀最強烈地震後,緊急救援人員正在尋找數十名失蹤人員。. At least 10 people were killed and serious damage is reported all around Taiwan. 據報導 ...

  4. 芮氏規模在技術上已被「矩震級」震級所取代,用於測量地震的強度。. Since we usually hear about earthquakes with ratings somewhere between 3 and 9, a lot of people probably think of 10 as the top of the scale and 0 as the bottom. 由於我們通常聽到的地震等級在 3 到 9 之間,因此許多人可能認為 ...

  5. 地震發生後,日本發出了海嘯警報,敦促一些居民離開海邊,但到目前為止,人員傷亡和財產損失都很小。研究人員長期以來一直警告說,八級或九級的特大地震可能比 2011 年引發海嘯並肆虐日本東北海岸的 9.1 級地震更具破壞性。

  6. 耐震的建築物大多是為了抵禦日本每天都會發生的四到五級地震而建造的,並避免在發生更大的地震時完全倒塌。

  7. terrifying viewers with quakes that can collapse skyscrapers. 震得摩天大樓都快塌了. or topple entire cities. 或推翻整個城市。. Here's what will happen if the big one hits the West Coast. 以下是如果大地震襲擊西海岸會發生什麼。. On July 4, 2019, Ridgecrest, California, 2019年7月4日,加州里奇克斯特 ...

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