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  1. In this two-player card game Odin's Ravens, two ravens race across separate tracks, the tracks comprising domino-style landscape cards that feature different types of land. Each player has their own deck of cards, which they use to match the land type in front of their raven in order to advance the raven toward the end of the flight path.

    • (3.9K)
  2. 2016年11月1日 · zafara di. @zafara. Nov 1, 2016. 《奥的盛宴》,A Feast for Odin,一款由乌玫瑰设计,于2016年发售的桌游。. 设计师把《拼布》的拼图机制融合到之前设计的各种农场主题工人放置游戏中,并且加入了更多的可选行动,使得乌玫瑰的种地游戏越种越复杂。. 游戏中,玩家 ...

  3. Additionally, the non-storyteller players score 1 point for every vote received by their card. The game ends when the deck is empty or if a player has scored at least 30 points. In either case, the player with the most points wins. The Dixit base game and each expansion contains 84 cards, and the cards can be mixed together as desired.

  4. Dixit Odyssey is both a standalone game and an expansion ( Dixit: Odyssey (expansion)) for Jean-Louis Roubira's Dixit, which won Germany's Spiel des Jahres award in 2010. Game play in Dixit Odyssey matches that of Dixit: Each turn one player is the storyteller. This player secretly chooses one card in his hand, then gives a word or sentence to ...

  5. The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden ...

  6. Make alliances—and break them!—as you strive to both unite and conquer Westeros. Game description from the publisher: King Robert Baratheon is dead, and the lands of Westeros brace for battle. In the second edition of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, three to six players take on the roles of the great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, as they vie for control of the Iron Throne ...

  7. In Puerto Rico, players assume the roles of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. The aim of the game is to amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or by constructing buildings. Each player uses a separate small board with spaces for city buildings, plantations, and resources. Shared between the players are three ships, a ...

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