Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 2019年8月8日 · Definition. "In P2P search (a.k.a. distributed search), each individual connected to the network serves its local index as a source of search. Instead of having a central company and a central server, each participant of the network is a search repository.

  2. 2008年1月18日 · The basis for much of our work is the Chord distributed hash lookup primitive. Chord is completely decentralized and symmetric, and can find data using only log (N) messages, where N is the number of nodes in the system. Chord's lookup mechanism is provably robust in the face of frequent node failures and re-joins.

  3. FAROO: FAROO is a web search engine based on peer-to-peer technology. The users are connecting their computers, building a worldwide, distributed P2P web search engine. No centralized index and crawler are required anymore. Every web page visited is automatically included in the distributed index of the search engine.

  4. As of 2007, Michel Bauwens is the founder of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property.

  5. 2021年12月15日 · The Lumen database grows by more than 40,000 notices per week, with voluntary submissions provided by companies such as Google, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Counterfeit Technology, Medium, Stack Exchange, Vimeo, DuckDuckGo, aspects of the University of California system, and Wordpress.

  6. Bill St. Arnaud: "At the this weeks spring Internet 2 meeting there was a major announcement on Internet 2’s new Open Science, Scholarship and Services Exchange (OS3E) initiative. This could be a real game changer. OS3E embodies the concept of “software defined networks” where users (or network operators) can configure their own network ...

  7. 1970/04/05 Birth 1999 Developed Che Guevara, a fully decentralized data-sharing software 2008 Bitcoin White Paper Announcement 2009 Started Bitcoin mining 2018 ...

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