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  1. 大家說英語 line tv 相關

  2. 不用挑補習班、不用接送,還可跳脫團課尷尬環境!真人外師一對一互動,讓孩子在家安心學、自信. 外師超強引導力,輕鬆激起孩子學英文興趣!多元主題+沈浸式互動,讓孩子不知不覺愛上學英文


  1. 今日免費版-大家說英語0423 貼貼樂!()》《空中英語教室》《大家說英語每日教學節目! 每週一到週六,早上6:30更新當日最新一集,快按“收藏” 或上 空中英語教室官網

  2. Studio Classroom publishes three monthly magazines: Let's Talk in English, Studio Classroom and Advanced. Each magazine provides practical, interesting articles to help readers improve their English skills. Radio and/or television programs accompany each article and air Monday through Saturday. The radio programs are also available on MP3 and on the Internet.

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