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  1. 大樂透 - 最新一期中獎號碼

    民國113年04月16日 (期別:113000044)
    頭獎得獎人數: 1
    • 5
    • 8
    • 17
    • 33
    • 35
    • 40
    • 10
    開獎時間 每週二、週五 晚間 8:30
  2. 1. Four o'clock0:12. 影片例句:Hey, four o'clock! Wow! What are you doing? 例句翻譯:嘿,四點鐘方向! 哇! 你在幹嘛? o'clock 當然一般是在講「幾點鐘」,不過這裡是指方向。 指的是時針指的方向,所以 four o'clock 就是右邊 120 度處。 o'clock 有時也可以省略,直接說 on your 加上數字。 E.g., There's a giraffe on your six. 你背後有隻長頸鹿。 補充些和 clock 相關的字: clockwise 順時針. counterclockwise 逆時針. 2. text0:18. 影片例句:Why didn't you just text it to me?

  3. 影片播放. I am sure that time to time you feel like everything sucks, I mean when you look back at your life and ask yourself how on earth did the last 10 years pass so fast. 我敢確定你時不時會覺得人生糟了,我指的是當你回顧你的人生,然後問自己過去這十年怎麼過的這麼快。 I have achieved nothing. 我什麼都沒有做好。 Don't worry, you aren't the only one who feels like that. 別擔心,你不是唯一一個這樣覺得的。

  4. Watch on. 影片播放. Hey, Pete. 嘿,皮特。 Oh hey, Val. 噢嘿,薇兒。 How's it goin'? 最近過得如何呀? You know what? I'm—I'm havin' a really bad day. 你知道嗎,我今天過得糟了。 What happened? 發生什麼事了? See, what Val's saying when she says, "What happened?" is: "Tell me a story." 你看,當薇兒說「發生什麼事了」其實是在說「告訴我故事的來龍去脈」。 And that's actually what this season of Pixar in a Box is all about.

  5. 因為你真的傷了他的心 [ Laughter] (大笑) There you have it. 遊戲告一段落! That was " Think Fast!" with Dakota Johnson! 和達珂塔・強生的快問快答! [ Cheers and applause] (歡呼加掌聲) - 1, 2, 3, Think Fast! ...

  6. 我已經站了整整八個小時,而我的心情糟了。 My dog died. [If Retail Workers Were Honest] 我的狗狗死掉了。[如果店員跟你誠實以對] It looks like you erased the entire contents of your phone, but sure, I' ll take responsibility. 看來你自己把手機裡的所有內容都 ...

  7. 《我推的孩子》在動漫圈造成轟動! It’s already getting tons of love from its passionate new fandom. 它已經累積了新粉絲的熱烈追捧。 With just a single episode, it’s already risen to the number one spot on My Anime List. 僅播出一集,它就已躍居「我的動漫榜」冠軍。 Quite a feat for a new show, and one that’s delighted its fans. 對於一個新節目來說,這是一項壯舉,也讓粉絲興奮不已。

  8. So, if you want to never again feel tired or groggy in the morning, and if you want to wake up alert and refreshed, keep in mind the 90-minute rule. 所以你如果不想在起床時感到又累又昏,希望可以神采奕奕的話,要牢記這 90 分鐘原則。. Anyway, don't forget to subscribe, and thanks for watching. 總之,別忘 ...

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