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  1. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. Our company is committed to the production and sales of supporting valves in industries such as power, chemical, metallurgical, sewage treatment, gas purification, pneumatic conveying, and material conveying, achieving technological, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly goals. ...

  2. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd专业生产Bidirectional pressure three eccentric metal hard seal butterfly valve - DS343H-16C,厂家直供,价格从优,欢迎来电咨询! Product Introduction This butterfly valve is suitable for pure pipelines in food, beverage ...

  3. Electric open and closed plug-in valve

  4. 概述 陶瓷蝶阀可广泛应用于石化、冶金、造纸、电站、炼油、煤炭等行业的各类酸碱盐气体、液体、高温蒸汽、泥浆和灰渣输送系统中作调节流量或切断介质。驱动方式有手动、气动、电动等。其较高的运行经济性得到了国内外许多工矿企业的青睐。

  5. 部分闸阀是采用强制密封的,即阀门关闭时,要依靠外力强行将闸板压向阀座,以保证密封面的密封性。 3、开启阀门时,当闸板提升高度等于阀门通径的1:1倍时,流体的通道完全畅通,但在运行时,此位置是无法监视的。

  6. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. focuses on the production and sales of open type plug valves, closed type plug valves, ventilation butterfly valves, blind plate valves, and high-temperature butterfly valve series products. The company has obtained the TS pressure ...

  7. 阀门的使用寿命主要取决于密封面的寿命,因为绝多数阀门报废的原因是密封面的损坏。 近20年来,随着工程陶瓷材料的发展,人们将硬度高、耐磨损、耐腐蚀的工程陶瓷材料引入到了阀门行业,利用工程陶瓷材料来作为阀门的密封材料,大大提高了阀门的使用寿命(例如渣桨系统的闸阀)。