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  1. 2023年11月20日 · Symptoms that you're allergic to a bug's sting include: Hives, itching, and swelling in places other than the sting site. Stomach cramps, vomiting, or severe nausea or diarrhea. Tightness in your ...

  2. 2022年6月14日 · Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get up at least every 2 hours and take a 15-minute break. 6. Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly. Everyone needs a regular eye exam, even young children. It helps ...

  3. 2023年6月14日 · When a blood clot forms in a vein deep inside your body, it causes what doctors call deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This is most likely to happen in your lower leg, thigh, or pelvis. But it can occur ...

    • Overview
    • Claustrophobia
    • Symptoms
    • Causes & Triggers
    • Diagnosis & Treatment

    This article is about claustrophobia, an anxiety disorder that causes intense fear of enclosed spaces and its symptoms, triggers, diagnosis and treatments including exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), virtual reality (VR), relaxation and visualization techniques etc.

    Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder that causes intense fear of enclosed spaces. It can range from mild nervousness to a full-blown panic attack and affects one's ability to live a normal life.

    Being inside an enclosed space can trigger symptoms such as shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, sweating, shaking or trembling, nausea, dizziness and more. Panic attacks are intense and last 5-30 minutes with chest pain and tightness being common symptoms.

    The fear may be caused by overactive amygdala due to genes or traumatic childhood events like bullying or being stuck in a tight place; having another anxiety disorder raises the chances too. Any confined area including elevators, airplanes/subway trains etc., can set off the fear for some people even just being in a room with windows shut can caus...

    Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and health history along with conducting physical exams before diagnosing you with claustrophobia if it seriously affects your daily routine; treatment options include exposure therapy (gradually putting you into situations), CBT (talk therapy), VR simulations (computer simulations), relaxation techniques et...

  4. WebMD's comprehensive database of prescription drug and medication information from A to Z

  5. 2022年11月27日 · GERD. It's a condition that makes stomach acid wash back up into the esophagus, a tube that leads into your throat. The main symptom is heartburn, but GERD can also weaken your voice. Stomach acid ...

  6. 2023年9月14日 · A bag of ice or frozen vegetables. A washcloth or small towel soaked in hot or cold water (wring it out, fold it, and apply to the sore area) Whether you use heat or cold, be sure to wrap the pack ...