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  1. improve the social status of women. In 1900, YOSHIOKA Yayoi founded Tokyo Women’s Medical School, the predecessor of Tokyo Women’s Medical University (TWMU) today. Yoshioka was a passionate advocate of investing in the establishment of a medical university for women.

  2. The international student exchange program at Tokyo Women's Medical University (TWMU) was initiated through a partnership agreement with Cardiff University (UK) in 1997. TWMU became the first among the private medical universities in Japan to encourage and accredit study abroad programs.

  3. TWMU is a medical university with over one hundred years of history which now has a modern and sophisticated educational, clinical and research environments. Traditionally all of our undergraduate schools are devoted to develop women’s professionalism.

  4. 概要. 東京女子医科大学・先端生命医科学研究所は、昭和44(1969)年5月1日に、“医用技術研究施設”として、初代施設長・三浦茂教授のもとに発足した。. 昭和51(1976)年5月に櫻井靖久教授が施設長に就任し、施設名を医用工学研究施設に改め、今日の基盤 ...

  5. 看護専門学校. 女性医療人活躍支援. 研究活動. 【プレスリリース】ウィリアムズ症候群に合併する末梢性肺動脈狭窄症の重症化の... 【プレスリリース】皮膚筋炎の致死的間質性肺炎の治療標的候補はインターロイキ... 【プレスリリース】難病「巣状分節性 ...

  6. 2004 Associate Professor, Dept. of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Denki University. 2005 Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo. 2014 Professor, ABMES, Tokyo Women’s Medical University. Publications.

  7. 使用方法は?. 1. 経口ステロイド療法. 「プレドニゾロン(PSL)」という薬が使われることが多く、初期投与量PSL20~60mg/日程度で開始し、2~4週ごとに5~10mgずつ減量していきます。. PSL20mg以下では、さらにゆっくり減量していきます。. 連日内服と隔日(1日 ...

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