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  1. 2016年11月1日 · 《奥丁的盛宴》,A Feast for Odin,一款由乌玫瑰设计,于2016年发售的桌游。 设计师把《拼布》的拼图机制融合到之前设计的各种农场主题工人放置游戏中,并且加入了更多的可选行动,使得乌玫瑰的种地游戏越种越复杂。 游戏中,玩家将扮演一支维京家族,通过耕种,畜牧和掠夺发家致富。 最终,资产最多的玩家将是游戏的胜利者。 本文将简单介绍一下游戏的背景,核心机制,游戏流程,基本的规则介绍以及关于维京人的一些知识。 之后,可能会出一篇战报,进行玩后的体验评价。 在读完全篇文章后虽然不能不看规则书的直接玩游戏,但应该会对游戏有个基本但全面的了解。 简单来说,这是一款非常乌玫瑰式的游戏,又有相当有趣的突破。 虽然系统复杂,行动繁琐,但却和背景非常贴切,不像RK的游戏给人生硬的套背景感觉。

  2. Each year follows a familiar pattern of preparation, worker placement, and then meeting the requirements of your feast. The main phase of each year is a worker placement affair. You start with a selection of Vikings, and a large action board with a whopping 61 different options to choose from.

    • (29.3K)
  3. Inspiring artists, important politicians, and tourists from all over the world are populating Vienna and in need of a hotel room. This is your opportunity to turn your little café into a world famous hotel. Hire staff, fulfill the wishes of your guests, and gain the emperor's favor.

  4. During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction and science in medieval France. In Orléans, you will recruit followers and put them to work to make use of their abilities.

  5. Welcome to the world of Res Arcana! In it, Life, Death, Elan, Calm, and Gold are the essences that fuel the art of magic. Choose your mage, gather essences, craft unique artifacts, and use them to summon dragons, conquer places of power, and achieve victory! A game typically lasts 4-6 rounds.

  6. The rules are only nine pages long, and the playing time is only two hours. Napoleon's Triumph is unique among big wargames in that players can learn the game, set it up, and play it to completion in a single evening. The game system is derived from its award-winning forebear, Bonaparte at Marengo.

  7. In the game, colonists are sent out from Rome to settle down in cities that produce bricks, food, tools, wine, and cloth. Each player starts with an identical set of playing cards and acquires more cards during the game. These cards serve two purposes: They allow a player to choose actions during the game.

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