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  1. 好用水冷扇 相關

  2. 工業用,水濂降溫設備,省電高達80%以上,每年可省7524元,聰明老闆都選塋盛! 不用到處找插座,110V就能用!三段風速可調整,就連炎熱工廠,也能快速降溫!

  3. 水冷改善通風不良、廠房悶熱等場所,散熱率高達95%,低耗能高風量,為您創造更好工作環境. 【鼎津節能通風設備】安裝水冷、風等通風設備,適用工廠及各類營業場所,歡迎洽詢

  4. 全系列變頻無段調速,省電降溫大風量,蒸發式不產生水霧,歐盟CE認證,適用工廠及各種營業場所. 100%台灣工廠製造直營 外銷日本歐美機型,蒸發式不產生水霧,適用工廠及各種營業場所


  1. Introduction Here we go again! It’s finally time for Heat’s first expansion to hit the market and it’s timing couldn’t have been more perfect: I’ve got a couple of days off work, a serious cold is keeping me mostly indoors, and even the weather here

  2. Visions of quelling floods, subduing cyclones, and ending droughts made him smile. In Weather Machine, you are scientists on Prof. Lativ’s team, tampering with local weather: adjusting rainfall for farms, maintaining wind and clear skies for ecological energy sources, and tweaking the temperature for resorts and sporting events.

    • (3K)
  3. Classification. Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition) is a game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions vying for galactic domination through military might, political maneuvering, and economic bargaining. Every faction offers a completely different play experience, from the wormhole-hopping ...

  4. In the past couple of years there have been a greatly increased number of variants for WotR and its expansions. I wanted to create a single thread that links to all of these different ideas so that people could easily find and access them. I will sort them into categories

  5. Classification. ICECOOL WIZARDS is a flicking game in which you explore the penguin school of magic, study to become a great wizard, and finally prove your skills by completing challenging exams! Players take turns flicking their penguin figures around the board and collecting lesson cards that will provide magic points at game's end.

    • (13)
  6. Brass: Birmingham is an economic strategy game sequel to Martin Wallace' 2007 masterpiece, Brass. Brass: Birmingham tells the story of competing entrepreneurs in Birmingham during the industrial revolution, between the years of 1770-1870. It offers a very different story arc and experience from its predecessor.

  7. Hi everyone, Today is the official release of Lorcana and I think it’s a good time to review this game for those who are pondering the idea of diving into another expensive and time-consuming TCG. On top of being a long-term TCG, CCG and LCG player, I