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  1. 2022年5月7日 · 化脓性汗腺炎和睡眠:如何保证更多睡眠 睡眠指南 我患有特应性皮炎。如何提高睡眠质量?睡眠不足:会让您生病吗?妙佑医疗国际一分钟:冥想是良药 妙佑医疗国际一分钟:扰眠因素 — 安眠小提示 褪黑素副作用 小睡注意事项 处方安眠药:哪种适合您?

  2. 2022年7月12日 · IgA 肾病(贝格尔病)如何导致肾脏损伤?阿片类药物使用障碍是如何发生的 如何判断您所爱的人是否滥用阿片类药物 什么是高血压?妙佑医疗国际专家为您解答。高血压常见问题解答 高血压危象:有哪些症状?失温 我患有 IgA 肾病。我需要肾脏移植吗?

  3. 2024年1月30日 · 打嗝、胀气和腹胀都会让人尴尬且不舒服的。. 以下给出了导致这些症状和体征的原因,以及如何尽可能减少这些症状和体征。. 来自妙佑医疗国际员工. 嗳气或排气(又称放屁),既自然又很常见。. 但过多嗳气或排气,伴随腹胀、腹痛或腹部肿胀,有时会干扰 ...

    • Diagnosis
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    • Preparing For Your Appointment

    Depending on your situation, the diagnosis of insomnia and the search for its cause may include: 1. Physical exam.If the cause of insomnia is not known, your health care professional may do a physical exam to look for signs of medical problems that may be related to insomnia. At times, a blood test may be done to check for thyroid problems or other...

    Changing sleep habits and taking care of any issues related to insomnia, such as stress, medical conditions or medicines, can result in restful sleep for many people. If these steps do not work, your doctor may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medicines or both to improve relaxation and sleep.

    Explore Mayo Clinic studiestesting new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this condition.

    No matter your age, insomnia typically can be treated. The key often lies in changes to your routine during the day and when you go to bed. These tips may help: 1. Follow a sleep schedule.Keep your bedtime and wake time the same every day, including on weekends. 2. Stay active.Regular activity can lead to a good night's sleep. Schedule exercise at ...

    Many people never visit their doctor or other health care provider for insomnia. They try to cope with sleeplessness on their own. Some people try therapies such as: 1. Melatonin.This supplement, which is available without a prescription, is marketed to help fight insomnia. It's generally considered safe to use melatonin for a few weeks. But there ...

    What you can do

    Prepare for your appointment by making a list of: 1. Your symptoms,including any that may not relate to the reason for the appointment. 2. Personal information,including new or ongoing health problems, major stresses or recent life changes. 3. All medicines you take,including medicines available without a prescription, vitamins, and herbal or other supplements, as well as the doses. Let your doctor know about anything you've taken to help you sleep. 4. Questions to askyour doctor to make the...

    What to expect from your doctor

    Your doctor may ask you several questions. Common questions about insomnia include: 1. How often do you have trouble sleeping? 2. When did the insomnia begin? 3. How long does it take you to fall asleep? 4. Do you snore or wake up choking for breath? 5. How often do you wake up at night, and how long does it take you to fall back to sleep? 6. What is your response when you cannot sleep? 7. What have you tried to improve your sleep? Common questions about daytime routine include: 1. Do you fee...

  4. 2024年3月13日 · 在孕早期,您可能会出现的其他不太明显的怀孕体征和症状包括:. 喜怒无常。. 在妊娠初期,体内激素激增会使人变得异常情绪化和爱哭。. 情绪波动也很常见。. 腹胀。. 妊娠初期的激素变化会引起腹胀,这与月经开始时的感觉类似。. 少量点状出血。. 少量点 ...

  5. 2022年3月19日 · 青少年和年轻的成年人需要警惕过量的咖啡因摄入以及咖啡因与酒精和其他药物的混合。. 妊娠或准备妊娠的女性,以及正在哺乳的女性,都应该和她们的医生谈谈,将咖啡因的摄入量限制在每天 200 毫克以下。. 即使在成年人中,大量使用咖啡因也会导致令人不 ...

  6. 2023年11月14日 · 症状. 干槽症的症状可能包括:. 拔牙后几天内剧烈疼痛。. 拔牙部位的血凝块部分或全部脱落。. 牙槽可能看起来像空腔。. 牙槽中可以看到骨质。. 疼痛从牙槽蔓延到拔牙部位同侧的耳朵、眼睛、太阳穴或颈部。. 口臭或口腔有异味。. 口中有异味。.

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