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  1. VoiceTube Hero 智能學習-為你量身定制 AI 智能課程,影片情境學習,搭配多元題型與智慧複習,AI 自動調整課程難易度,確保高效、記憶、實際應用。.

  2. 我們想和你分享這些發現,來幫助你解開能得到更快樂的人生、更健康的人際關係和更緊密的群己連結的秘密。. That's where this course comes in. 這就是為什麼我們需要這個課程。. "The Science of Happiness" is the first MOOC to teach this research, with presentations from some of the world's ...

  3. B1 中級 中文 研究 癌症 記者 亞裔 亞洲 醫生 「亞洲女性」不吸菸罹患肺癌比例卻很高!新研究試圖找出根本原因 (Non-smoking Asian women getting lung cancer at a high rate; new study seeks to determine why)

  4. Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers and could be why the placebo effect works quite well when we're trying to get rid of the pain. 腦內啡就像人體自然產生的止痛藥,也是安慰劑效應在我們想止痛時能生效的原因。 One study found that those who were given a real drug which increased their hormone level had the same amount of increase when they were given a placebo tablet later on.

  5. 在一項小型研究中有固定在玩電動遊戲的閱讀障礙小孩最後閱讀速度變得更快也更精確

  6. 一項是在發表在 2013 年的國際肥胖期刊中, followed 420 obese or overweight adults who were trying to lose weight over 20 weeks. 該研究追蹤了420 位嘗試減重 20 周以上的肥胖或過胖者。 Those who ate their largest meal before three p.m. on average lost almost two kilograms more than those who ate after, 那些在下午三點以前吃完份量最多的一餐的人,平均比那些在下午三點以後吃的人還瘦了兩公斤,

  7. 影片播放. For thousands of years, people have practiced meditation for spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. 數千年以來,人類為了心靈、情感與身體健康而靜坐冥想。 But from a scientific perspective, how exactly does meditating affect your body? 但從科學角度來看,冥想究竟如何影響我們的身體? Does it really do anything? 它真的有實質功效嗎? It all starts in the brain. 一切都是從腦開始。

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