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  1. 狼人在一個名為Tabula的偏僻小村莊出沒:每天晚上,某些村民將會變身成狼人,並殺害無辜的村民來滿足他們殺戮的慾望。 存活下來的村民們白天聚集在一起討論到底誰是狼人? 在討論結束後他們將會選一位最有可能是狼人的嫌疑犯來處死。 你能在這場災難中存活下來嗎? 或是你能解開在這滿月下的謎團? 一款能讓眾多玩家共享的經典遊戲。 8歲以上|8-24人|20-40分鐘 牌套:61×112mm×26張|內含中英文紙牌.

    • Chinese
    • Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.
    • Gianpaolo Derossi
    • 2013
  2. Geekdo, BoardGameGeek, the Geekdo logo, and the BoardGameGeek logo are trademarks of BoardGameGeek, LLC.

  3. Classification. One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak is a fast game for 3-7 players in which everyone gets a hidden role, each with a special ability. (No plain "villagers" here!) In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who among them is a werewolf...because all it takes is finding one werewolf to win!

  4. That Time You Killed Me is an abstract narrative game of time and murder that introduces new scenarios with unique rules and components as you play. As with any game about mucking about across time, you must play through this content in a strict, unalterable order. To set up, place three game boards in a row to represent past, present, and future.

  5. Werewolf (also known as Mafia) takes place in a small town where a minority of the townsfolk hold a dangerous secret. Each player is secretly assigned a role - Werewolf, Villager, or Seer (a special Villager). There is also a Moderator who controls the flow of the game. The game alternates between night and day phases.

  6. Classification. Abraca...what? is a family game of deduction and spellcasting. On your turn, you try to cast one of the spells you have in front of you — but it's harder than it looks because only the other players can see which spells are available to you! So with cunning wit, clever logic, and a little luck, you have to determine which ...

  7. Voidfall is a space 4X game that brings the genre to Euro enthusiasts' tables. It combines the tension, player interaction, and deep empire customization of the 4X genre with the resource management, tight decisions, and minimum-luck gameplay of an economic Euro. Win by pushing back the Voidborn in the solo/coop mode, or by overcoming your ...