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  1. 2022年2月8日 · The Winter Games take place as Chinese people celebrate their traditional Spring Festival, the most important occasion for family gatherings. "The opening ceremony is about sharing beautiful ...

  2. 中国日报网环球在线消息:她被人称做“孔大小姐”,是孔氏家族最后的守望者。. 无论是父亲孔祥熙,母亲宋霭玲,小姨宋美龄,还是自己的兄弟 ...

  3. is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China, BizChina ...

  4. The rise of urban free-rangers. The latest arts, culture and entertainment news. Your source for arts, movies, music, theatre, books and TV reviews and previews from

  5. 2020年12月29日 · Searching for Kung Fu –12 Traditional Chinese Values is a 12-episode bilingual series. It expands the definition of Chinese kung fu, from a systematic martial art to an overall demonstration of ...

  6. 2014年5月7日 · 2014-05-07 16:31 来源 打印 字号 T | T 我来说两句. 3-永远不要把名字当成姓氏。. 和其他国家的人一样,中国人也有名有姓。. 但是 ...

  7. 2014年9月14日 · [提要] 本周孔真、赵寅成主演的韩剧《没关系,是爱情啊》终于收官了,韩剧女王孔真整容传闻多年来一直没间断,整容前长得好老成,虽然 ...