Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The system claims to be effective at achieving popular consensus around contentious issues over a period of two or three weeks with anywhere from 100 to tens of thousands of participants or more. Polis has been used to generate consensus on climate issues in Austria (2022), in Uruguay on a national referendum (2020–2021), in New Zealand to ...

  2. Description. 1. From the Wikiversity: "Deleuze coined the term 'dividual' to explain the mechanisms of a 'control society', which he opposes to Foucaults 'disciplinary society' (a stage he says we have left). The basic premise is that the term individual means indivisible, the smallest unit which society can be reduced to.

  3. 2011年12月25日 · Incas. From the Wikipedia: "The term 'ayllu' refers to a grouping of indigenous people of South America and has been translated as clan. The term represents a group based on assumed blood-ties which operates as an economic and social unit. The Inca Empire was essentially a number of Andean ayllus controlled by a few Inca ayllus.

  4. Miller says the concepts of space, time, matter, energy, and information are essential to his theory because the living systems exist in space and are made of matter and energy organized by information. Miller’s theory of living systems employs two sorts of spaces: physical or geographical space, and conceptual or abstracted spaces.

  5. She writes that ‘‘Tibetan Tantic Buddhism skilfully mixes the philosophies Buddhism, with Tantric yoga and shamanism of the ancient past’’ (44). The spirit-scapes that Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism (and indeed all traditional spiritual shores) have nourished have emerged not from pristine origins, but from religious, political, cultural, and human blur.

  6. Description From the Wikipedia: "Cultural Creatives is a term coined by sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Ruth Anderson to describe a large segment in Western society that has recently developed beyond the standard paradigm of Modernists versus ...

  7. Occasionally spelt Impaeng Network. Context "In Thailand, a recent initiative under the Sufficiency Economy program in Thailand described as New Theory Agriculture (NTA) has supported many successful initiatives which fall within an ‘ecoagriculture’ framework. NTA ...

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