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  1. A Feast for Odin,一款由乌玫瑰设计,于2016年发售的桌游。设计师把《拼布》的拼图机制融合到之前设计的各种农场主题工人放置游戏中,并且加入了更多的可选行动,使得乌玫瑰的种地游戏越种越复杂。游戏中,玩家将扮演一支维京家族,通过耕种,畜牧和掠夺发家致富。最终,资产最多的玩家将是 ...

  2. Craft a unique deck, discover powerful relics, and Slay the Spire together! Slay the Spire: The Board Game is a co-operative deck-building adventure. Craft a unique deck, encounter bizarre creatures, discover relics of immense power, and finally become strong

    • (463)
  3. Ferdinand then gets an idea on how to craft a raft. The 7th continent has appearantly taken a toll on him and he decides he wants to have a shovel-raft. He builds the raft with the keywords skill and craft and connects it to the shovel. As they share no keywords, the durability of the shovel-raft stays at 3.

  4. With Turing Machine, you’ll use an analog computer with unique components made of never-before-seen perforated cards. The game offers more than seven million problems from simple to mind-staggeringly complex combinations, making the gameplay practically endless! Including the original competitive mode, you can combine your brain power as a ...

  5. 2023年5月23日 · M. Brown YE. @minakobrown. May 23, 2023. 背景和美术 6.4/10 (新版英语) “上流社会”的贵族们总是喜欢搞一些所谓的慈善拍卖,来突显自己尊贵的身份和悲天悯人的情怀。 表面光鲜的背后,是贵族们愈发干瘪的钱袋子。 口袋空空,还要打肿脸充胖子实在也很难为他们。 因此,上流社会的生存之道是,花最少的钱,赚最大的面子。 老版中文美术没办法看了,就不做评价了。 本作在2018年出了一个英文新版,对于封面、卡牌美术做了一些升级,感觉还行。 这次升级将老版的硬派写实风格,换成了穆夏画风偏漫画插画的形式,好评。 黄色橘色位底色,既保留了年代感,又不像原版那么沉闷。 其他比如钱币牌的设计等等,也都加入了不少现代元素和理念,提升效果明显。

  6. In The Goonies: Never Say Die, one player is the Goondocks Master, controlling fearsome foes from the outlaw family, the Fratellis, to the legendary pirate, One-Eyed Willie. The other players take on the role of the Goonies — Mikey, Mouth, Chunk, Data, and Sloth — and attempt to overcome cryptic puzzles and deadly challenges with teamwork ...

  7. This 350-card Set includes brand-new content and contains everything you need to play the game. You will explore parallel realities and significant moments around the multiverse from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, you can team up with heroes to undergo a journey far beyond the limits of this world. —description from the publisher.

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