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  1. 宜蘭地震 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    地震險長期投保率過低,因為大家都想『不會發生在我身上』,且考量高房價、理賠條件嚴格等因素…. 勿持僥倖心態!921過後,火險強制『綁定』地震險,降低天災對投保人的傷害,但由於發生機率低…


  1. 2023年1月5日 · Man-Zeok, born in April 1995, is the first son of Donnie Yen and Leung Zing-Ci. Man-Zeok Yen’s parents met in 1990 and tied the knot secretly after dating for three years. Unfortunately, his dad and mom divorced in less than a year, and it was only after their legal separation his mama found out she was pregnant with him.

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