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    • 容積率
    • ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄐㄧ ㄌㄩˋ
    • 釋義:
    • 在基地上面建築時,建築物地面以上各層、閣樓及夾層樓地板面積之和與基地面積之比。如以臺北市為例,在土地使用分區管制規則中,規定住宅區的建物容積率可達百分之六十,商業區中,可達百分之八百。
  1. 2019年8月28日 · What is hate sex? According to professor Craig Jackson from Birmingham City University, hate sex is an ambiguous term and refers to a myriad of scenarios. You might hate the other person, they...

  2. 2022年8月10日 · For the true newbies among us, many relationships under the broad umbrella of BDSM are characterised by complementary and entirely consensual roles that people inhabit, such as the dominant...

    • Kimberley Bond
  3. › 2018/03/03 › what-is-a-blumpkin-and-how-do-youWhat is a blumpkin? | Metro News

    2018年3月3日 · A blumpkin refers to the delicate art of giving someone a blow job – which means sucking and licking their genitals – while they sit on the toilet and do a poo. It’s a mysterious that people on the...

  4. 2018年8月8日 · Instead, it takes its name as it is a variation of the 69 position, but instead of lying stomach to stomach, one person lies on their back, on top of the other, head to genitals. It gives the...

  5. Discover Metro’s collection of sex, relationships and dating advice as well as first-person stories and experiences.

  6. 2018年3月5日 · What is a rusty trombone? Often used as the punchline of jokes, a rusty trombone is a sex act which consists of giving your partner a hand job while also performing analingus on them. (Analingusis...

  7. 2017年3月29日 · When in a film or TV show have you witnessed a woman post-climax, nipping to the toilets or lying perfectly still and asking to be wiped down? The silence leads to confusion, awkwardness, and a...

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