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  1. › SuitTaiwanStateMachineInternational Human Rights

    International Human Rights this site's world No. 1 in 2017~19,

  2. › TaiwanFraudTaiwan fraud

    fraud, and attempted fraud in Taiwan US State Government 2023 trafficking in persons report / 2023-6-16 Increasingly, traffickers also subject people from Taiwan to forced criminality in cyber scam operations run by local PRC national-operated crime syndicates in call centers located primarily in Cambodia, but also in other Southeast Asian countries including Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia ...

  3. Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process: 有指控兩個主要政黨的候選人和支持者在總統大選中都有買票行為。. there were allegations of vote buying by candidates and supporters of both major political parties (KMT and DPP) in Presidential election. Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in ...

  4. China recently sharpened its rhetoric saying it must “fight” Taiwanese independence, rather than “oppose” it, its previous preferred formulation. CNN (2024- 3- 10) : the Economist declared that Taiwan was “the most dangerous place on Earth.”. ; The world ' s most dangerous place has only gotten more dangerous.

  5. › TaiwanRestaurant台灣餐廳 評論

    評論 台灣餐廳 大多數五星級飯店都不洗菜?...專家醫生建議少外食... 食安問題不斷... ! 本網站群為 台灣人 健康奮戰 本網站 世界排名 No. 1: 2020~2 4, 2017~1 9, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010~12 Top since 1998 fights for rights

  6. 展世界! 本網站全球第一 1st time int'l cartoon arts expo/contest on the net ! exclusive ! "短如匕首,鋒利如刃": 台灣最新國際比賽結果 爭錯第一! 第4 屆 世界幽默漫畫 饗 宴 第3 屆 世界幽默漫畫 饗 宴 第2 屆 世 界幽默漫畫 饗 宴 第1 屆 世界幽默漫畫 饗 宴 ...

  7. 台灣最重要的廣告文宣: UN for Taiwan(入聯), 精準的八股文. ? 終止 「 政治隔離 」 : 金魚缸 vs. 鯨魚. 大標題: End political apartheid (停止「政治隔離」!). 副標題: A vital life should not be limited, a democratic nation not isolated. (有生命力的民主國家不應該被隔離) 主旨: 將 ...

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