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  1. 2019年8月24日 · A network of professionals work together in teams to offer Enspiral Services, a range of business services under one roof. By default members pool 20% of their invoices into a collective bucket, 25% of which goes to the Foundation. Loomio and Cobudget are then used to decide how to spend the rest.

  2. 2024年5月23日 · Michel Bauwens/Full Bio. < Michel Bauwens. = Michel Bauwens is the founder of the P2P Foundation, an observatory on commoning and peer production and is the co-author of P2P, A Commons Manifesto . Based in Thailand, he has crafted Transition Plans for the city of Ghent and for Ecuador in 2014.

  3. Entredonneur. = concept meaning 'giving to the in between', proposed to balance the concept of Entrepreneur which means 'taking from in between' and has therefore a predatory significance.

  4. 2019年1月3日 · The approach is to consolidate empirical evidence and academic research that has focused on flows of energy, tapping into fields such as thermodynamics, agro-ecology and engineering. It shows that a P2P approach can help create negentropic cycles, effectively slowing down the depletion of energy and matter in a material way. Links.

  5. Spectrum of Consciousness - P2P Foundation. Discussion. Jan Krikke: "In 1977, Ken Wilber published his widely acclaimed book The Spectrum of Consciousness, the first systematic attempt to integrate the psychological systems of the West with the contemplative traditions of the East.

  6. The basic premise of the theory is that structural risks affecting children’s safety and well-being are alleviated when the relational worldview principles are in balance within the context and culture of the community.

  7. 2009年1月15日 · The notion of the panspectron was coined by Manuel DeLanda’s in his book War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (1991), referring mainly technological developments within signal intelligence during the second world war and onwards. According to DeLanda it differs from the panopticon in the nature of its gaze.

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