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  1. The theory of secular cycles incorporates Malthus's "positive checks" on population grouch by identifying them as ti-iggers of the disintegrative phase. When carrying capacity is exceeded, the stagflation phase of a secular cycle begins. Then, when a famine or epidemic stiikes, the disintegrative phase begins.

  2. Extensive work performed by Marchetti, Nakicenovic, Grubler and Nakicenovic, Metz, and others show the existence of 50–60 year billows in a large set of different social and physical indicators. The empirical results on economical recurrences seem to indicate that it is possible to distinguish at least three different groups of them , characterized by their average billow-length, namely:

  3. Definition. "A term invented by R. Buckminster Fuller to describe the process of "doing more with less" as a continuing process of redesigning technology and structures of the physical world through more effective uses of existing natural resources, recycled materials and energy sources. In terms of binary economics, ephemeralization refers to ...

  4. Cultural labour is therefore according to this understanding all labour conducted in these industries. Cultural labour deals “primarily with the industrial production and circulation of texts” (Hesmondhalgh 2013, 17). Following this definition Hesmondhalgh describes cultural work as “the work of symbol creators” (Hesmondhalgh 2013, 20).

  5. Description. (from a Shareable interview by Ruby Pratka) Casey Fenton: "Mastly allows a large group of people to work on a project and share the profits. The project lead can add people to the equity pool via the app, they can record the work they're doing and see the amount of their equity growing in real time. The more people work, the more ...

  6. 2018年9月6日 · Neurocapitalism takes us on an extraordinarily original journey through the effects that cutting-edge technology has on cultural, anthropological, socio-economic and political dynamics. Today, neurocapitalism shapes the technological production of the commons, transforming them into tools for commercialization, automatic control, and crisis ...

  7. The Origin of China's Shareholding-Cooperative Enterprise Property System in the Liberal Socialism of James Meade. Cui Zhiyuan on James Meade and the Chinese “shareholding-cooperative system: "James E. Meade, the 1977 Nobel Laureate in Economics, is one of the founders of modern GNP accounting. As a student of Keynes, Meade was inspired by ...

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