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  1. 張誌家過世 相關

  2. 竭盡所能,讓家屬記憶永恆緬懷。職人專業設計、燒成,高硬度、0吸水,送罐身刻字,享永久保固。 身後永恆居所,不能只看外觀/便宜!兼具防潮材質性能,傾聽需求,打造獨一無二瓷罐,無限感恩。


  1. A historic day for semiconductors here in Japan. 這是日本半導體行業歷史性的一天。 The world's biggest chip maker TSMC has formally opened its first fab here in Japan in Kumamoto Prefecture. 全球最大的晶片製造商台積電在日本熊本縣正式開設了第一工廠。 It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry.

  2. 2013年2月蘭姆被發現死在洛杉磯臭名昭著的塞西爾酒店的水箱裡有一家酒店過去臭名昭著是另一個離奇的案件發生地。 The body was found after guests made horrifying complaints of tainted water prior to her death. 屍體被發現後,客人在她死前提出了可怕的投訴,說水被汙染了。 Lamb, who suffered from bipolar disorder, was seen acting in a bizarre manner on the hotel's elevator security footage. 患有躁鬱症的蘭姆,在酒店的電梯監控錄像中,看到他的行為怪異。

  3. Watch on. 影片播放. A forensic lab may have cracked the mystery of the food poisoning case that's left two dead and dozens sick across Taiwan. 法醫實驗室可能已經解開了台灣食物中毒案的謎團,該案已導致台灣地區兩人死亡、數十人患病。 Samples taken from the Taipei restaurant where all the victims ate have tested positive for a fatal toxin called bongkrekic acid.

  4. Watch on. 影片播放. (Write your biggest regret. (寫下你最大的遺憾。 This chalkboard stood in the middle of New York city for one full day. 這塊黑板在紐約市中心矗立了一整天。 I was afraid, afraid of, I guess, failing, maybe? 我曾害怕...害怕,我想可能是失敗吧? I regret all the time I wasted, not saying yes to things. 我後悔浪費了這麼多時間,拒絕了很多機會。

  5. 是時候回顧 2023 年消失的科技了。. Well, Google Glass died again. 谷歌眼鏡又死了。. It's not often an iconic product gets on my dead tech list twice, but Google didn't want to give up on its augmented reality glasses that may have been ahead of its time when it launched in 2013 for $1500. 這款標誌性產品兩次出現在 ...

  6. Watch on. 影片播放. I am not gonna tell you today what I learned in life. 我今天不是要來分享我從生活中學到的事。 Today, I am gonna try to tell you what I learned in death. 今天,我要試著和你們分享我從死亡學到的事。 One year and 13 days ago, I lost my husband, Dave. 一年又十三天前,我失去了我的丈夫,Dave。 His death was sudden and unexpected. 他的死亡突如其來、出乎意料。 Dave's death changed me in very profound ways.

  7. 羅紹桀 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 13 日. 分享. 影片單字. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。 學這些英文用法:世界,過往,故事,水坑,照片,倒影,事物,人生,海浪,說完,仰望,照亮,當地人,邊境,邊界,靜止,帶回,椅子,成人,血液,打造,脫離,居民,抵達,時光,呼吸,時間,空氣,範圍,保護,看見,做出,發展,產生,事實,重要,他鄉,異國,凝視,涇渭分明,下榻,懷舊感,潮間帶,明月,湧上,塵埃落定,屋舍,前院,過客,籬笆,脈動,洪流,緬懷,心頭,流浪,籠罩,親手,抬頭...

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