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  1. 全球最大的晶片製造商台積電在日本熊本縣正式開設了第一家工廠。 It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry. 現在,它已成為日本最先進的晶片製造設施,必將極大地推動日本科技產業的發展。 Tokyo has been spending billions of dollars trying to revive chip production at home, and it also gave considerable subsidies here to the Taiwanese company.

  2. B1 中級 中文 ai 世界 數據 機器 電腦 學習 世界上最年輕的億萬富翁!這位25歲的大學輟學生白手起家創造市值73億美元的公司! (The New Youngest Self-Made Billionaire In The World Is A 25-Year-Old College Dropout | Forbes)

  3. 何謂社群推廣分潤計畫?. 即是推廣 VoiceTube 的產品,. 並從銷售額中取得分潤獎金!. 申請加入成為我們的夥伴後,. 您獲到一個專屬的優惠碼. 這個優惠碼可以推薦給你的粉絲或親朋好友. 透過推薦碼購買商品不僅可以得到優惠,. 您也可從其銷售額獲得分潤 ...

  4. 居然加了洋蔥!. 2號玩家史上最感人的電動玩具廣告 (Player Two) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. In the comments section of a YouTube video called, "Can Video Games be a Spiritual Experience", user OOWARTHERAPY00 told this story. 有一位帳號是 OOWARTHERAPY00 的網友在影片「電玩可以帶來一段心靈上的 ...

  5. 跟著 CNN、NPR、BBC 等國際媒體,掌握專業新聞用語,即時更新時事單字,用英文掌握國際趨勢

  6. A2 初級 中文 美國腔 訣竅 法則 演說 聽眾 產生 演講 3種表達自己想法的方法,讓每個人都能理解你! (3 Ways to Express Your Thoughts So That Everyone Will Understand You

  7. The idiom ‘calling it a day' means to stop working on something for the rest of that day, whether or not it is completed. 俚語calling it a day的意思,是不管事情有沒有完成,今天就到此為止吧. That's correct. It means to quit an activity for the rest of the day or for the present time and continue it the next day. 沒錯 ...