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  1. That's because by building the keystone habit, you will eventually become strong enough to get rid of the bad one. 這是因為透過建立關鍵習慣,你最終會變得足夠強大,以擺脫壞習慣。. And that's why you'll notice that the large majority of people who are extremely successful have an obsession with self- improvement ...

  2. 必須非常努力,才能看起來毫不費力:原諒不完美的自己 (The School of Life: The Perfectionist Trap) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. We typically aim for a particular career because we've been deeply impressed by the exploits of the most accomplished practitioners in the field. 我們會想從事特定職業的 ...

  3. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  4. 精選主題影片 從情境中學習英文. 囊括各式生活化、最新時事、多元主題影片並深入解析,精選主題包括商務職場、藝術人文、美食旅遊、國際時事等 14 種主題,透過情境主題,學習如何運用相關單字、片語、互動對話語句。 功能一. 即點即查單字,只要點擊字幕句子或單字列表,即可以查詢單字更多解釋,更可以收藏單字作為複習。 功能二. 依據個人學習習慣,切換顯示字幕、是否單句循環、播放速率,調整最合適自己的觀看體驗。 功能三. 每堂課皆有完整影片,可以跟著雙語字幕學習,聽懂每一句英文,也可以收藏重點句子作為複習。 口說題型特色. 口說 AI 語音分析 為生活對話打下扎實基礎.

  5. First, there is a point where adding more protein doesn't lead to more benefit. 首先,增加蛋白質並不會帶來更多益處。. The researchers found that the benefit of protein supplementation plateaued after a total daily intake of 1.6 grams of protein per kilo, per day. 研究人員發現,蛋白質補充的益處在每天總攝取1 ...

  6. 我們少用一點,留給子孫後代的,便越多 (What the Economic Crisis Really Means - and what we can do about it) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. We were told that the global financial crisis of 2008. 我們被告,2008年的全球金融危機。 happened because irresponsible borrowers couldn't afford to pay back their loans. 發生的原因是不負責任的借款人無力償還貸款。

  7. To ease your eating worries, here are eight food safety questions you've likely had at one point in your life. 為了減輕你對飲食的擔憂,以下是你一生中可能遇到過的八個食品安全問題。. Rule number 1, it's unsafe to drink milk past it's sell-by date even if it's just a day or two. 規則一,飲用超過保質期 ...

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