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  1. Most of the time, that's caused by cardiac hypertrophy, which is what happens when you exercise so much that your heart muscles get enlarged to the point where they obstruct your ventricles, until eventually you just die. 通常這是由心臟肥大所導致,而這種狀況常發生在運動過度之後,你的心肌不停增長直到阻塞心室,最後你就死了。

  2. Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers and could be why the placebo effect works quite well when we're trying to get rid of the pain. 腦內啡就像人體自然產生的止痛藥,也是安慰劑效應在我們想止痛時能生效的原因。 One study found that those who were given a real drug which increased their hormone level had the same amount of increase when they were given a placebo tablet later on.

  3. 專家告訴你如何在短短 60 秒內為大腦減壓並放鬆身心靈 (De-Stress Your Brain & Reset Calmness in 60 Seconds | Dr. Mandell) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. Welcome everyone, Dr. Mandle here. 歡迎大家我是曼 Mandle 醫生。 All this chaos worldwide is causing our stress hormones to get way out of the hand, 世界各地發生的一切混亂正在導致我們的壓力激素失控。

  4. 2024年1月17日 · 聽聽句子怎麼說. These unsynchronized chaotic electrical signals cause the atria to quiver⏤or fibrillate⏤rather than contract. 這些不同步且混亂的電子信號便會使心房顫抖或顫動,而是正常地收縮。. 句子選自此影片: 心房纖維性顫動大解密 (Atrial Fibrillation Anatomy, ECG and ...

  5. 如果你想太甜,你可以自己選擇你要的糖度。 One to ten. 甜度一到十。 You can also decide the amount of ice. 你也可以選擇冰度。 Okay, then I' ll have bubble tea, less ice and half sugar. 好的,那麼我要一杯珍珠奶茶,半糖少冰。 You know, in the West, ...

  6. 沒錢沒時間學英文嗎?沒關係!每日口說挑戰是一個讓你每天只需要花五到十分鐘,而且不用花上任何一毛錢的學習平台,此外每天還有不同的講師針對不同的影片作發音以及字彙教學,聽完講解後你還可以朗讀句子錄音磨刀小試一番,和其他 VoiceTubers 一起切磋學習,有機會還能獲得講師的親自 ...

  7. 學習進度追蹤 個人學習簿的影片資訊 發表的影片、收藏的影片、看過的影片,每一部都有觀看進度,讓你清楚知道已經學習過哪些影片。 個人學習簿的單字、佳句資訊 只要查詢過的單字、收藏的單字及標示的佳句,都會完整呈現在你的學習簿中。

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